Casey Bombacie

 The greatest compliment I ever received about the product I created was…DUH!

When the CEO saw the mock up, he said, “Duh!” I knew we had a winning product. For someone who knew very little about the product; he saw it and immediately, he knew how it worked…that was a huge compliment. To get to “duh”, it took months of user research, white-boarding, competitive research, user testing, prototypes and development.

This is the kind of love and fire I put into every product. I dive as deep as I possibly can with users, data, and research to come up with “duh” solutions to enormous problems.

Check out my work below…

Selected Projects

  • Top to bottom funnel

    Acquiring users, converting registrations, completing applications.

  • Personal Health App, 0-1

    Build a personal health app that includes 3rd party APIs, clinicians, and ML.

  • Award winning product in 6 months

    Build a product that no one has seen or used. Get it out in 6 months in time for a huge convention.